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HomepageEmployee lawyers for wrongful termination, FMLA, sexual harassment, work injuries, wage & hour lawsuits, disability
Ann GuleserExperienced Central Valley lawyer for sexual harassment, wrongful termination, FMLA, employment discrimination
Case ResultsKarl Gerber Employment Lawyers Group California Worker Case results
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ContactEmployee lawyers, Employment Lawyers Group, has offices located across Southern and Northern California to represent workers in lawsuits against their employers
Disability DiscriminationWe know Job Discrimination Laws because we are your Fresno job discrimination lawyers. Employment lawyers are labor lawyers and we are employment and labor lawyers.
DiscriminationEmployment discrimination lawyer FMLA, pregnancy, race, cancer, disability, age, gender identity, sexual harassment
Employment ArbitrationFresno Employment Arbitration And Workers Attorney
Employment ContractsThese days, implied and oral contracts are generally not valid legal theories against employers.
Employment FraudFresno County Employment Fraud Employment Law Group
Employment Law BlogKarl Gerber, Employment Lawyers Group - California Workers Attorney
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Karl Gerber30 years experience big cases 1 employee to10,000 overtime, class actions, PAGA, group actions, sexual assault
Law Firm HistoryLaw firm history of a Employment Lawyer
Leaves Of AbsenceMany employers don't understand the law when it comes to employee leaves. If your employer denies your request to go on leave or retaliates against you for taking leave, you may be entitled to compensation.
Sexual HarassmentIt is unlawful to harass an employee because of their sex, California Government Code Section 12940(j)(1). Sexually harassing behavior includes:
Sexual Orientation HarassmentIf you feel that you have experienced harassment or discrimination in the workplace because you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or transvestite, you may be entitled to compensation.
SitemapFresno Employment Lawyers navigate workplace rights
Unpaid WagesContact us if you have a question about whether you are owed overtime, double time, commissions, wages, bonus pay, or pay for meal or rest breaks.
Whistle BlowerWhistle blowing in the work environment, especially the healthcare field has become an issue, resulting in the termination of some individuals. Contact an experienced Fresno employment attorney today.
Work InjuryWorkers compensation is owed for physical and mental injuries, includes medical treatment, disabilty pay, benefits
Wrongful TerminationWhistle blowers, fired for medical conditions, pregnancy, ADA, sexual harassment retaliation, FMLA employees only

